Promotional Toolkit

Help Spread the Word About BPS ASM 2023

We invite you to share the materials to your network, post them on social media platforms, and use them in lectures and meetings to promote BPS Annual Scientific Meeting 2023. 

Social Media 

Join the BPS online community to receive all BPS 2023 news and updates. Please use the #BPSASM2023 hashtag when posting about the conference. 


Promotional Toolkit 

Please find below the promotional toolkit for BPS 2023, including the official banners, presentation slides, flyers and other materials/information. 

Should you need a version in a different format, please contact us. 

Adverts and Brochures 

Kindly insert the conference poster in your journals and event programs, and post on notice boards in your hospitals and institutions. 

Poster 35x50 – download here. 

Web Banners 

Please download and use these banners to post on your website, event calendar, and as your e-mail signature. 

Regular Banner

E-mail Signature 


Presentation Slides 

Please use our conference slide template in the appropriate format for your presentations at meetings or on screens at events between presentations. 

Regular –BPS ASM 2023_PPT_regular

Widescreen – BPS ASM 2023_PPT_widescreen

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